If you are having computer trouble and would like remote help, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Call us at (401) 475-3505.
Step 2: Download and install HelpDesk onto your desktop or laptop computer by clicking the life preserver button below and then waiting for a code from us.
Step 3: The rest is up to us. We will do our best to resolve the issues you are having quickly and cost effectively.
HelpDesk allows us to remotely diagnose and fix issues on your device for a limited time. This service is available during our normal business hours. We are open Monday through Friday from 10:30am to 7pm and Saturdays from Noon to 5pm.
If we determine you may have a hardware issue that cannot be resolved remotely, we will be happy to pick up your computer to repair the hardware at our shop and deliver your device back to you when the repairs have been completed.